Friday, 18 July 2014

ELCAF 2014

This year I helped out for two days at East London Comics and Arts Festival. Both days were exceptionally hot, but it was a really fun two days I met Chris Ware and stewarded his talk, met a lot of lovely people and bought a few goodies!

Call Me Kingston 2014 Illustration Graduates

This summer I have decided to hang around London. Rent is expensive and it seems stupid not to be living here. Within a few weeks of finishing University, I Helped out at the bar of the third years external show. It was very hot but there were plenty of refreshments. The show was great, and a lot of them now seem to be getting a lot of design work, which is great!

Saturday, 10 May 2014

Major Improvement Project

 Heres a few screen caps of some of my double spreads for this years final major project. I decided to improve on my children's book. I enjoyed the idea of continuing with the narrative  because of the amount of images i'd have to make for it all. Sadly I didn't get it finished in time for the crit but i still found doing it hugely beneficial!

Pick Me Up 2014

I got a unexpected email a week or two before pick me up started, asking if i'd be willing to help out for a few days at the Pick Me Up Radio space ran by Comms Bureau. It was a great to work a few days at the festival! Thanks to Ed Cheverton for putting me forward  and Joe Rogers for getting in contact!

Puffin Children's Book Award

In follow up to my last post about submitting to the puffin book awards competition.... This was my finished submission! Sadly I didn't make the cut but congratulations to any body that did!

Friday, 28 March 2014

Puffin Children's Book Award

 At the start of this term we were set the Penguin Award book brief. I decided to take on the cover for the Puffin award. This year I'm planning on actually entering the competition. Above was the finished image for Universities deadline and bellow is one of the pencil sketches for the possible submission for the actual competition.

Adobe Creative Jam

Last night I was invited to Adobe Creative Jam. It was a very good evening lots of drinks and good food.  It was nice to see a bunch of Animators and Illustrators try and complete a brief within three hours. it was especially nice to see my good friend Doug Hindson participating in it all. The Animation above was the winning Animation, all of it was created in three hours which is truly mind boggling. It was really nice to be head hunted by It's Nice That to take part in the event just a shame that i didn't make the final cut none the less it was great evening surrounded by some very talented individuals!