Friday, 28 March 2014

Puffin Children's Book Award

 At the start of this term we were set the Penguin Award book brief. I decided to take on the cover for the Puffin award. This year I'm planning on actually entering the competition. Above was the finished image for Universities deadline and bellow is one of the pencil sketches for the possible submission for the actual competition.

Adobe Creative Jam

Last night I was invited to Adobe Creative Jam. It was a very good evening lots of drinks and good food.  It was nice to see a bunch of Animators and Illustrators try and complete a brief within three hours. it was especially nice to see my good friend Doug Hindson participating in it all. The Animation above was the winning Animation, all of it was created in three hours which is truly mind boggling. It was really nice to be head hunted by It's Nice That to take part in the event just a shame that i didn't make the final cut none the less it was great evening surrounded by some very talented individuals!

Children's book Brief

A week or two ago Ben Newman illustrator/art director for Flying Eye Books came in to run the children's book brief with University. Here are two finished double page spreads from that brief. I won't bore you with the ins and outs of the narrative.

Saturday, 1 March 2014

More Collecting

Picked up a few more books recently. I really would recommend getting your hands on a copy of Dahlov Ipcar's I like Animals from Flying Eye Books, the illustrations are simply beautiful. You can keep up with my hoarding of things on my Instagram.


I've been a bit bogged down recently with written work for University however I have managed to finally sort out a website! Above is a w.i.p. screen shot for a shirt design i was recently commissioned to do!

Camberwell Third Year Mid Term Show

I went down to Camberwell's Third year mid term show the other week with a few friends. there was a real range of work! Some of the 3-D work was great, sadly i didn't manage to get a snap of any of it though! I particularly liked  Pat Macdonald's work. It was really nice to see some of Eliiot Freeman's work in person