Saturday, 10 May 2014

Major Improvement Project

 Heres a few screen caps of some of my double spreads for this years final major project. I decided to improve on my children's book. I enjoyed the idea of continuing with the narrative  because of the amount of images i'd have to make for it all. Sadly I didn't get it finished in time for the crit but i still found doing it hugely beneficial!

Pick Me Up 2014

I got a unexpected email a week or two before pick me up started, asking if i'd be willing to help out for a few days at the Pick Me Up Radio space ran by Comms Bureau. It was a great to work a few days at the festival! Thanks to Ed Cheverton for putting me forward  and Joe Rogers for getting in contact!

Puffin Children's Book Award

In follow up to my last post about submitting to the puffin book awards competition.... This was my finished submission! Sadly I didn't make the cut but congratulations to any body that did!